La1 Slamboree 2024

On 07/27/24
Categories: LKFC Tournament
Hits: 2275




 Registration process:

  1. Login if you have an account.
  2. Click “Join” at the top left of this Event Page.
  3. Fill out the required information (as normal). The only difference on the registration page now is that you need to enter '1' for the ticket you wish to purchase.
  4. When you are done, click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
  5. You should be automatically redirected to the payment page where you can pay using your PayPal account or Credit Card. 


Join us Saturday, July 27th for the LA1 Slamboree, the 3rd tournament of our Cajun Kayak Angler Series sponsored by Pack & Paddle. As always participation is open to the public. Anglers may launch from any publicly accessible grounds from Bason's to Grand Isle.  We will be doing weigh-in at the park in Golden Meadow.   


With the recent updates in the Redfish regulations we have decided to reduce our redfish slot.  We are reducing the max size to 26".  This will allow the angler to present a replacement fish in the event their fish is over our slot and not be in violation of the new laws.  REMINDER: The New Redfish Limit is 4 & New Slot Size is 18" - 27".  YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN POSSESSION OF ANY REDFISH OVER 27". 



Thanks to our sponsor Southwest Tire Company, we will be raffling off an $800 credit towards a new set of tires.  Each raffle ticket will be $5, you can buy an many as you would like.



  • MAIN SLAM STRINGER: Heaviest Slam Stringer shall consist of 1 maximum of each: Legal Louisiana Slot Redfish (18" min & under 26"), Speckled Trout (13" min), and Flounder (11" min).
  • OPTIONAL CALCUTTA ($5): Heaviest Flounder. You CAN place & win Calcutta. 
  • LEOPARD REDFISH (included in entry fee): Redfish with the most spots (counting both sides) wins a Pack & Paddle Gift Card. You can use your Leopard Redfish in your Main Slam Stringer (but are not required to).  Leopard Redfish must be a legal Louisiana slot redfish, 18" minimum and under 26" (tail cannot touch 26" line).  See Rules below.


The LA1 Slamboree is the 3rd of 5 events as part of the Cajun Kayak Angler Series. Earn and accrue points for weighing fish & win big prizes or cash at the end of the year Angler of the Year Awards Ceremony. Your lowest score out of the 5 events will be dropped, so you are not required to fish all 5 events. 
The Angler of the Year WINS A HOBIE MIRAGE OUTBACK sponsored by Pack & Paddle & Hobie!!


It is every angler’s responsibility to understand and abide by all rules listed here. 


1.     ENTRY: $35 (+$1.50 PayPal fee) - Entry fee breakdown: $20 to Main Stringer Pot, $11.50 to AOY Series Pot & Club Fund.  

2.     OPTIONAL CALCUTTA: $5 - Entry into side pot for Heaviest Flounder. Winner takes the entire side pot.

3.     REGISTRATION: Open to public until 7:00PM on Friday, July 26th.

4.   BOUNDARIES / LEGAL LAUNCH AREAS: Any publicly accessible launch site on La1 corridor between Bason’s and the east end of Grand Isle.  Anglers shall launch kayaks only from properties with access available to all participants. If an angler desires to use a private or questionable launch this information must be communicated to the Tournament Director 2 weeks prior to start of a tournament.

5.    LAUNCH TIME: Anglers may launch at any time, but may not begin fishing until the Legal Fishing Time.

6.    LEGAL FISHING TIME: Anglers may begin fishing at 5:45am. No lines in the water until this time! 

7.  LEGAL STRINGER: SLAM format: Stringers may consist of 1 slot redfish (18" minimum and under 26" - tail cannot touch the 26" line), 1 speckled trout (13" minimum), and 1 flounder (11" minimum). Fish must be caught during the events Legal Fishing Time.  

a.  If the tail of the redfish touches the 26” line, you may replace it with 1 other redfish in your possession. If your replacement redfish touches the 26” line, you will not be able to weigh a redfish as part of your stringer.  If any redfish submitted touches the 27" line, the angler will be disqualified from the tournament. 

b.    Full Stringer (all 3 fish) will trump non-full stringers. 

8.     LEGAL BAITSYou may use artificial bait, live bait, or dead bait!

9.  LEGAL KAYAK/WATERCRAFT: PADDLE/PEDDLE-CRAFT ONLY! Trolling motors, gas engines, “mother ships”, or sails are NOT allowed.  Wade fishing is acceptable provided the kayak is tethered to the angler.

10. Weigh-in:  Weigh-In: Starts at 3:00:00 pm sharp (must be signed in by 2:59:59). The weighmaster or tournament director will call out anglers during the published weigh-in times.  Anglers should be prepared when called upon. No culling at the weigh table, under or oversized fish will be disqualified. Place fish on weigh basket when prompted, remove your fish when given the all-clear. If any angler brings illegal fish to the scales, undersized/multiple oversized fish that would result in a LDWF ticket then he or she may be disqualified from the tournament, this decision is at the discretion of the Weight Master & Tournament Director. 

a.  Weigh-in will take place at Oak Ridge Community Park - 705 N Alex Plaisance Blvd, Golden Meadow, La.  This is the big park next to the Catfish Lake boat Launch. We will be under one of the big pavilions.

11. SAFETY: It is every angler’s responsibility to navigate their vessel in a safe manner and abide by all LDWF rules and regulations.  A white light MUST be illuminated and visible when navigating your vessel between legal sunset and legal sunrise, any angler without proper lighting may be asked to remain at the launch until safe light, 30 minutes prior to legal sunrise. Failure to comply could result in a disqualification. A Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) SHALL be worn at all times during tournaments. Failure to comply could result in a disqualification. Tournament days may be shortened, postponed or cancelled due to unsafe weather or conditions. The decision to shorten or to cancel will be left to the discretion of the Tournament Director. A 4-hour period shall constitute a day of fishing.

12. SERIES POINTS: Series Points System applies to Main Stringer Category Only, you are only awarded points if you weigh in fish, so WEIGH YOUR FISH even if you don't think you have a chance to win those points could become valuable later on. You MUST be a registered LKFC member with a paid-current, non-expired LKFC membership prior to the day-of the tournament. No membership = no points, no exceptions. 

13. PAYOUTS: Cash

a.     Top 3 w/ < 40 anglers

b.     Top 5 w/ 40-74 anglers

c.     Top 7 w/ 75+

14. FRAUD: Cheating and attempt to defraud, including but not limited to: altering fish, exchanging fish, weighing fish caught prior to tournament hours, catching fish from powerboat or other illegal craft and/or using illegal bait may result in disqualification from the tournament, loss of membership and loss of participation privileges for future events. The LKFC Board Members reserves the right to investigate, polygraph and/or prosecute any participant. The LKFC Board Members reserves the right to withhold prizes until a full investigation is completed and/or a polygraph examination is completed. Any Series participant or winner shall agree to submit to a polygraph examination.  The LKFC Board Members reserves the right to select polygraphists to administer polygraph examinations.  All polygraph examinations required shall be taken at the time, place, and by the polygraphists designated by the LKFC Board Members.  Each contestant agrees by his/her signature on the Tournament / Series entry form, to submit to a polygraph examination and abide by its conclusion.  All travel expenses are to be paid by entrant.  Failure to submit to or pass the polygraph examination may result in 1) disqualification from the series, 2) loss of series points earned, 3) loss of membership, 4) relinquishing of prizes won, and 5) disqualification from future events.

15.   RESPONSIBILITY: Anglers shall understand all rules and conduct themselves respectably.

16.   COURTESY: Use common sense and stay several yards greater than maximum casting distance from anglers.  If both anglers can cast to the same spot, you are too close.

17.   COMMUNICATION: Anglers SHALL NOT communicate with non-registered participants (phones or in-person) for the purpose of gaining fishing information.

18. REFUNDS: Entry may be applied to another event or refunds may be requested to the treasurer for consideration. 

19.   LEGAL FISHING METHODS: Must be caught on reel + rod combo.  Trolling is allowed.  No more than 2 rods in the water.

20.   JUDGE/WEIGH-MASTER: Will make decisions on accepting fish and the decision is final.  

21.   PROTEST: Any protest must be made in writing and submitted electronically (text/email/direct message from social media) to the Tournament Director within 30 minutes of the completion of weigh-in or prior to awards ceremony (whichever is earlier). The tournament director is the final authority on deciding the merits/outcomes of a protest.  All anglers are encouraged to report cheating.

22. RULE CHANGES: Rules interpretation is exclusively left to the Tournament Director. The decisions of the Director are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal. 

23.   SERIES STANDING TIE-BREAK: In the event of a tie, the following will determine a tie break for overall series standing:

a.     The angler who fishes more tournaments will win.

b.     If still tied, the angler who drops the highest total number of points (based on 1 dropped event scores) will win.

c.     If still tied, the angler who scores the highest points in any single event will win.

d.     If still tied, the angler who scores the highest points in the Series Finale will win.

e.     If still tied, the angler whose highest score was in an event with more participants will win.



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